Bacterial Vaginosis
After my BV is cleared, it comes back when I have sex. Can man pass BV to woman?
To address your concerns, there are a couple of scenarios to consider: Odor Triggered by Semen: It's possible that any odor experienced could be influenced by the interaction of semen with the vaginal environment, which might temporarily affect the scent. This does not necessarily indicate the p... -
After my BV is cleared, when should I do a vaginal microbiome lab test?
Several labs offer at home vaginal microbiome lab test. These include: Lab tests to check the status of your vaginal health are available but can be costly, generally ranging from $100 to $150 each. These tests are most useful if ... -
BV Clear didn't work. What next?
There are two possibilities that the BV Clear might not work. One possibility is that your symptoms might be caused by conditions other than BV, such as yeast, trichomoniasis, or other infections. Many infections can cause discharges and odor, but only BV causes a special pungent fishy odor. If ... -
Can NeuEve Help with Ureaplasma?
Ureaplasma is associated with a variety of medical issues, including bacterial vaginosis (BV). It contributes to the fishy odor characteristic of BV due to ammonia release. Ureaplasma is a gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacterium that hydrolyzes urea using the urease enzyme. This means it ... -
Does BV Clear just clear only the odor?
Does it clear odor only or does it get rid of BV completely? Antibiotics have not been working for me. - Customer A fishy odor is the most noticeable symptom and when it goes away, the customer knows that the product works and report in their feedback. However, for those who do not have a notice... -
For maintenance, do I need to use BV Clear for the rest of my life?
Recommendations for Maintaining BV-Free Health To reduce the risk of BV recurrence, we recommend that all BV Clear users whose BV has been cleared follow a short-term maintenance plan for 3 months. If you remain BV-free during this time, you may experience long-term relief. However, this is not ... -
For stopping BV from coming back, can a suppository last a week?
We understand your concern for leaving a gap between suppositories. The ingredients of a suppository may last over 7 days after insertion. The reason is that the vaginal tract is a "dead end" of a one-way street. This is different from taking a pill orally through the digestive system. If you i... -
How does BV Clear work to clear BV?
NeuEve BV Clear is not a drug or antibiotic. It does not work by killing bacteria, but rather by changing the environment. BV is not a true infection but an imbalance of vaginal ecology. It is caused by an ecological shift in the vagina, in which good bacteria reduce and bad ones increase. Unlik... -
How does NeuEve clear vaginal odor naturally?
Vaginal odor is often the result of a microbiome imbalance. The microbiome is a community comprising various bacteria and fungi, including both good and bad bacteria. When the microbiome becomes imbalanced, a condition known as dysbiosis occurs. Dysbiosis means an increase in bad bacteria and a... -
How do I know if my BV is cleared?
BV has several typical symptoms that you can identify yourself. Fishy odor. The odor often increases after sex. It smells like a rotten fish. You can insert a cotton swab into the vagina and let it wet and smell it. If it smells bad, you may still have BV, but if it has no unpleasant odor, your ... -
How do I use the BV Clear to clear BV?
1) Start time The best time to start the treatment is the next day or a few days after your period is cleared. You will have the longest time to treat BV without interference by menstrual period. If you no longer have period, like you had hysterectomy or are postmenopausal, you can start at ... -
How to determine my BV severity?
Your BV may be mild, moderate, or severe. Mild - You never had BV before and have not tried any other treatments. This BV episode is new to you. Moderate - Your BV is recurrent, and you have tried one other treatment, such as boric acid, tea tree oils, acid gels, or probiotic s... -
You can find several different pH testing kits designed for testing vaginal pH on Amazon. These kits have two basic components: pH paper strips and a color chart with corresponding pH values. Some kits may also include Q-tips, but most do not as Q-tips are a common household item. To measure v...
How to stop BV from coming back?
Once your BV clears, the job is only half done. The other half is maintenance. There is up to an 80% chance that BV may recur after clearance. Recurrence is one of the most common and challenging issues in women's health. NeuEve is the only product that can be used for maintenance to prevent BV f... -
BV Clear Finisher is for women under 45 or premenopausal to clear stubborn case of BV that did not respond to BV Clear. If you are over 45 or postmenopausal or you have not used BV Clear, you should not use this strong product. You may be sensitive to the product and feel burning. Please start ...
I am 23. I have recurrent BV. Whenever I have sex, BV comes back.
If you are not on birth control, IUD, breastfeeding or do not have hysterectomy or cancer therapy, you may follow instruction detailed in this article: How do I use the BV Clear to clear BV? Otherwise, you can follow this article to clear BV, starting with NeuEve Gold: How to clear BV or AV wi... -
I am 35. I have recurrent BV. What is the right product for me to find relief?
If you are not on birth control, Mirena IUD, breastfeeding or do not have hysterectomy or cancer therapy, you may follow instruction detailed in this article: How do I use the BV Clear to clear BV? Otherwise, if you are on birth control, Mirena IUD, breastfeeding, or have a hysterectomy or canc... -
I am 36. I have recurrent BV that never goes away. Which product do you recommend?
At 36 with severe recurrent BV, you may need 3 packs of BV Clear to clear it. Please follow the instruction in this article: How do I use the BV Clear to clear BV? If your BV is cleared, please do a maintenance for 3 months to stop BV from coming back. ... -
I'm days away from 45, started having recurring infections that would go away after my cycle. Am starting to have more hot flashes and feet and mouth are drier. I have some used OTC suppositories twice over last 2 months and douche with ACV as needed. At 45 with hot flashes, you are at the peri...
I am 49 and premenopausal. I have recurrent BV. It comes back after antibiotics.
Thank you for the detailed information. At 49, you are at the peri-menopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level, the vaginal lining becomes mildly atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics may not work because the cause is estrogen reduction. Wi... -
I am 51 and perimenopause. I keep getting BV. Which product is right for me?
When a woman reaches peri-menopausal age, her estrogen decreases. As a result, vaginal dryness and atrophy occurs due to reduced estrogen. Vaginal atrophy in turn reduces the resistance against infection. BV commonly occurs. The cause of BV at this age is due to vaginal atrophy. Clearing bad bac... -
I am 53 and I have recurrent BV. After 4 courses of antibiotics, my BV still comes back.
At 53, you are at the peri-menopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level. the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics or boric acid will not work because the cause is estrogen reduction. Without managing the cause, BV will ... -
I am 56 and I have recurrent BV. BV comes back after I stop using antibiotics.
At 56, you are at the postmenopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level. the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics or boric acid will not work because the hidden cause is estrogen reduction. Without managing the cause, BV... -
I am 57 and have recurrent BV. Which product to start?
We have 7 levels of products for clearing BV for women at different ages. Certain products like BV Clear are for younger women (<45). At 57, you are at the postmenopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level, the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV... -
I am 58 and I have recurrent BV. BV comes back after I stop using antibiotics.
At 58, you are at the postmenopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level, the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics or boric acid will not work because the hidden cause is estrogen reduction. Without managing the cause, B... -
I am 60 and I have recurrent BV. BV comes back after I stop using antibiotics.
At 60, you are at the postmenopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level. the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics or boric acid will not work because the hidden cause is estrogen reduction. Without managing the cause, BV... -
I am 62. What is the best product for me to clear BV?
I'm reading BV clear is for pre-menopausal or early menopausal women. I am 62 and postmenopausal. I have used 3 rounds of antibiotics and have all failed to clear my BV. The odor comes back after I finished the antibiotics. Are there any products I can use to clear BV? I'm not sure I can use BV c... -
At 65, you are at postmenopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level, the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics or boric acid may not be effective because the cause is estrogen reduction. Without managing the cause, BV wil...
At 71, you are at postmenopausal age. Due to reduced estrogen level, the vaginal lining becomes atrophic and the resistance to infection reduces. Thus, BV is a common result. Antibiotics or boric acid may not be effective because the cause is estrogen reduction. Without managing the cause, BV wi...
I am on birth control but I ordered BV Clear. Can I use it?
I am on birth control Nuva Ring, but I have ordered BV Clear and BV Clear Finisher. Can I still use them to clear my BV? The birth control Nuva Ring releases a low level of estrogen and progesterone. These hormones send a signal to your brain. Your brain shuts down your own body's estrogen prod... -
I am on birth control. Which product should I choose to clear recurrent BV?
Using birth control or IUD that releases hormones can cause vaginal atrophy. Having vaginal atrophy can reduce your resistance to infections, like BV or yeast. Thus, recurrent BV is common. Having vaginal atrophy may also make you more sensitive to strong treatment products like BV Clear. NeuEve... -
I am ready to use BV Clear to clear my BV or AV. Can I take supplements to help it work better?
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection and nearly all doctors know how to treat it. However, aerobic vaginitis (AV) is different. Since Dr. Donders of Belgium first reported it in 2002, AV has not been put into an OB/GYN textbook. Not many doctors know about AV nor do they ... -
I am using BV Clear. Does alcohol (beer or wine on occasion) effect the treatment?
About alcohol, I am glad that you asked this question. A common antibiotic drug for BV is metronidazole. Its commercial name is Flagyl. When a woman is on Flagyl, alcohol can cause significant side effects. The reaction between Flagyl and alcohol is like the effects of Antabuse (disulfiram). An... -
I have been taking probiotics. Does NeuEve BV Clear kill off bacteria indiscriminately?
If you currently suffer from BV, you have little or no probiotic microorganisms present in the vagina. Even if you take probiotics orally or vaginally, the probiotic bacteria may die shortly when they enter the BV-affected vagina. The reason is unsuitable environment. NeuEve works by changing ... -
I have discharge after using BV Clear. What should I do?
If you see increased discharge in the first two days after using a BV Clear suppository, it is normal. It is a reaction of the vaginal tissue to the suppository. Sometimes, you may see white discharge. Some ingredients are white powders such as starch and may come out undissolved shortly after in... -
I have excessive discharge, but BV Clear did not work for me. What to do next?
When you experiencing excessive discharges, it is a good idea to first rule out the possibility of an infection. I think that you did a good job of trying some self-care products for clearing a possible common infection like BV. An infection-related excessive vaginal discharge often has a color,... -
I have recurrent BV. Please help me choose a right product. Good for all ages
The right product depends on your age and health condition. In addition to age, certain health conditions may cause vaginal atrophy or tissue sensitivity. These include: Breastfeeding Oral birth control pills Hormonal IUDs Hysterectomy Cancer therapy Lichen sclerosus Autoimmune diseases like Sj... -
I have severe BV. Why should I use BV Clear first before using the extra strength BV Clear Finisher?
The severity of BV is not determined by how bad your symptoms are. It is about the difficulty to clear it. Even for a case with severe symptoms, if it is easy to clear, it may be a mild case. BV Clear can clear about 96% of all women with BV, including those who tried multiple BV care products b... -
Is BV after menopause treated differently?
Before a woman reaches menopause, BV is just BV. However, for a woman after menopause, BV often coexists with aging-related atrophic vaginitis and cannot be easily cleared. To help clear BV in a postmenopausal woman, doctors often prescribe estrogen cream to help regrow the atrophied vaginal lini... -
Is BV Clear safe to use during pregnancy or while trying to conceive?
NeuEve is all natural, hormone free, and drug free. More than 100,000 women have used it safely. It does not interfere with any drugs or with your attempt to become pregnant. If you have BV, we highly recommend that you clear BV first before become pregnant because BV may cause many negative pre... -
Is using BV Clear the same thing as going to the doctor?
I am 26 and have recurrent BV. Is using BV Clear the same thing as going to the doctor? This is a good question. For many diseases, you need to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment with drugs. But for some diseases or health conditions, drugs may not always be the best solution. For ... -
I used 1 pack of BV Clear but it did not clear my BV. What to do next?
If you have used 1 pack of BV Clear and your BV is not relieved, your BV may be a severe case. You may need multiple packs to find relief, unless your condition is not BV, but yeast or trich or some other infection. One way to tell if your condition is BV or some other infection, you can test if... -
Light spotting after using BV Clear
IS THIS NORMAL OR A SIDE EFFECT? One of our customers reported some light spotting after using BV Clear. We asked her to observe her symptoms and note any significant changes. There were no serious side effects, and her spotting went away. When you experience BV, there is a chance that bleeding... -
A stubborn recurrent BV is difficult to clear but easy to come back. An antibiotic may clear your infection quickly, but it can wipe out both bad and good bacteria. If overly used, two major side effects of antibiotics are drug resistance in surviving bacteria and yeast infection if all bacteria...
Some discomfort with BV Clear?
All ingredients used with NeuEve are all-natural and food-grade. Most premenopausal women don't feel any discomfort with BV Clear. However, some women experience: spotting / discharge irritation Keep going, don't lose hope. These symptoms are normal. If you're experiencing spotting / discharge... -
To clear BV, when should I take probiotics to be most beneficial?
1) Do I need to take probiotics? If your lab test shows that you have sufficient protective Lactobacillus bacteria (all Lactobacillus species combined are over 70% except Lactobacillus iners), you may not need to take a probiotic supplement. Once the bad bacteria are cleared, your good Lactobaci... -
Using Antibiotics or Boric Acid?
"I was just diagnosed with BV by my gynecologist. He prescribed me clindamycin vaginal cream for seven days. When can I start using your product and which product would be best to use after a seven day round of antibiotic cream?" Antibiotics are good at eliminating true bacterial infections, but... -
What are the odds of my BV clearance?
Based on a survey of 98 customers, 60% (recurrent BV) and 75% (first-time BV) found relief in less than 1 day, and 90% (recurrent BV) and 96% (first-time BV) reported BV Clearance after 1 pack of BV Clear (5-9 days). If your BV is recurrent, you may need 2-3 packs of BV Clear to achieve complete... -
What is the difference between BV Clear and NeuEve Gold?
The strengths of NeuEve products for clearing BV bacteria are: BV Finisher > BV Clear > Gold > Silver > Silk > Balm. Thus, for clearing BV, BV Clear is better than Gold. A trade-off is that it is a stronger formula and may cause irritation if used upfront. If you are over 50, you... -
What is the difference between severe and highly severe BV?
For the common severity of BV, you may find this article helpful: How to determine my BV severity? This severity scale is for about 95% all BV cases that can be cleared with the regular BV Clear. For the 5% cases that do not respond to 3 packs of the regular BV Clear, they may be severe and hi... -
What is the odds of recurrence after my BV is cleared?
A significant feature of BV is recurrence. Scientific literature says that all types of BV treatment may result in high recurrence rates, 69 to 80% within 12 months, including relapse or reinfection. Therefore, your BV may recur at the same high rates after the initial clearance. However, you can... -
Which formula is right for clearing my BV?
In the field of women's health, one size does not fit all. NeuEve provides personalized care to each customer with several different products. Two factors determine a suitable product for a woman: age and health condition. The health conditions are those affecting the body's estrogen level and v... -
Why didn't BV Clear work for me?
Why does the BV Clear work for other women but not for me? BV is not a true infection but an upset of vaginal ecology, namely a reduction of friendly Lactobacillus bacteria and overgrowth of bad bacteria, which can be any species. Let us use lawn care as an example. When you have a green turf a... -
This is a good question. Most of our customers use NeuEve for vaginal atrophy and dryness. They are mostly postmenopausal and do not have menstrual period. Younger women may use NeuEve to relieve BV, vulvodynia, vaginismus, or posterior fourchette fissure. They have menstrual period. We suggest...
Why do you not recommend using boric acid?
Boric acid is a powerful pesticide and a poisonous antiseptic. It has been popular as an antiseptic for women to clear vaginal infections because it can kill bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. So, it becomes a routine treatment if antibiotics fail to clear the infection. Boric acid does... -
Why you have good reviews on BV Clear here, but on Amazon there are some negative reviews?
We offer 7 different products to clear stubborn recurrent BV for women of different ages and health conditions. On our website, we can do a good job helping customers to choose a right product that fits their age and health condition. If one product does not work out, we would help them troubles...