BV Clear didn't work. What next?

There are two possibilities that the BV Clear might not work.

One possibility is that your symptoms might be caused by conditions other than BV, such as yeast, trichomoniasis, or other infections. Many infections can cause discharges and odor, but only BV causes a special pungent fishy odor. If you do not have the BV-specific fishy odor, the likelihood is high that something else might be the culprit of your symptoms. If so, we suggest that you visit a doctor to get a diagnosis.

The second possibility is that you have BV but your BV is severe or stubborn type. The regular BV Clear might not be strong enough to relieve it. A sign of severe BV is that you have tried several different BV care products but all have failed to clear this BV. Most importantly, you have visited a doctor and got a diagnosis to confirm that your condition is BV.

If your BV is a stubborn BV, there may be two types.

The first type is "superbug." After repeated treatments with antibiotics, antiseptics, and other BV care products, all easy-to-treat bugs have been wiped out. The bacteria that survive all the previous treatments might be "superbugs." Often otherwise healthy young women (<40) without having birth-control pill, IUD, breastfeeding, or cancer treatment may develop this type of BV. The treatment is relatively easy by using a more potent formula with an increased dosage. We have developed an extra-strength formula called NeuEve **BV Clear Finisher** just for clearing this type of BV.  After clearing >100 cases of stubborn BV, we listed it for sell on our website:

This product is 3x more concentrated than the regular BV Clear, but the trade-off is that it might cause irritation in women who have never tried the regular BV Clear. Therefore, it is only for customers who have used the regular BV Clear. Using the regular BV Clear helps women better tolerate the stronger formula. For example, a coffee drinker can better tolerate the more concentrated Espresso than a non-coffee drinker. After testing it in >100 women with stubborn BV, about 80% was cleared with just 1 pack (3 suppositories). About 20% required multiple packs. The worst one took 6 packs to clear, but she had the toughest BV for over 20 years and she had tried all other BV care products without effects. Finally, she kissed this tough BV goodbye for good.

The second type is "weakened resistance." It is vaginal atrophy associated with aging or a health condition like birth-control pill, IUD, breastfeeding, and cancer treatment. This type is common for older peri- or postmenopausal women (age >40) or younger women with a health condition.  Appropriate treatment products depend on age: NeuEve Gold (age <50), Silver (age 50-55), Silk (age 55-70), or cream (age >70).

To better understand these two types of stubborn BV, you may find this article helpful:

How to clear BV with NeuEve Gold, Silver, or Silk suppositories or cream?

If you have a stubborn type of BV, you will need to be more patient. The tough BV may take multiple packs of suppositories to recover, but you will notice signs of improvement, such as a reduction in odor and discharge. If you do not find relief after repeated use of the above-suggested NeuEve BV care formulas, you can contact us for help. If we cannot help you self-treat your condition, your condition may need professional care. It will be a good idea to see an Ob-Gyn doctor specializing in infectious diseases for a checkup to verify if your condition is truly BV or you may have other infections.

Jan 1, 2025

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