"I’m 37 and have been on birth control for 8-9 yrs and I started feeling vaginal irritation for years. Last March it got so bad that I looked in the mirror and my vagina just shrunk. Very thin skin and super sensitive to everything. I went on the pill 3 months after giving birth to my daughter as...
Does taking NeuEve products increase UTIs?
"I have been reading your website and see tips about taking additional vitamins/sea buckhorn oil to prevent UTI’s. My question is "does taking your products increase UTI’s." Thank you for the inquiry. We understand your concern. On the contrary, NeuEve is the only self-care product that can sto... -
How do NeuEve balm, suppository, and dilators help relieve chronic UTIs?
Bacteria often grow by attaching to the skin surface and form multiple layers. This structure is called "biofilm." It is difficult to clear the biofilm because it forms multiple layers. Antibiotics can kill bacteria on the top layer, but bacteria hidden in the bottom layers may escape from anti... -
I got UTI after using NeuEve Silk. What can I do?
Thank you for taking the time to complete our satisfaction survey. We truly appreciate your feedback and understand how concerning your recent experience has been. I want to clarify that NeuEve products are designed to be sterile and are not known to cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). In fac... -
I have used antibiotics and boric acid but BV keeps coming back. How can your product be better?
NeuEve is better because all other products may clear BV but cannot stop it from coming back. NeuEve is the only product that can clear BV and stop it from coming back. To date, over 100,000 women have found long-term relief from the most stubborn vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) and/or BV (... -
I'm 73 and have leaky bladder. Can NeuEve help me?
Thank you for the inquiry. Technically, only drugs can "cure" diseases. NeuEve is not a drug, but a natural product. So, we cannot say that it can fix leaky bladder. But for certain aging-related "diseases," even drugs may have limited effects. NeuEve delivers nutrients to nourish the atrophied... -
Suggestions about managing UTIs
Here are my suggestions about managing your UTIs: Pee after sex or dildo use immediately. Please drink a lot water and take supplement good for clearing the bladder: Dietary supplements for preventing recurrent UTIs. If you have acute UTI (you have intolerable pain), please see your doctor to ge... -
What vaginal good bacteria supplements do you recommend?
If you only want to maintain vaginal health, you may take this one: https://www.nowfoods.com/products/supplements/womens-probiotic-20-billion-veg-capsules But if you also have chronic or occasional UTI issues, you may take this one: https://www.neueve.com/products/corsaria We have tested thes... -
Will NeuEve impact IC (interstitial cystitis) in any way?
Yes. NeuEve may affect IC in a positive way. We worked with a support group for women with stubborn IC. After using NeuEve Silk suppositories and balm cream for 2-3 months, IC attacks in this group substantially reduced. To understand how improving vaginal atrophy can eliminate bladder discomfo... -
Will the Urinary Support pill work for men too, or just formulated for women?
The Urinary Support supplement with D-mannose and cranberry extract can indeed benefit men as well, especially for urinary tract infections (UTIs) caused by E. coli. D-Mannose works by preventing bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract, which helps in flushing them out through ...