Can you give me a complete list of all ingredients used in NeuEve?

NeuEve is not a drug. It does not make any claims that it can cure a disease.

On the other hand, menopause is not a disease, but a natural phase of life, according to the US National Institute of Aging of NIH.

Therefore, menopause-related discomforts do not need drug treatment. They can be managed by nutritional foods, dietary supplements, and personal hygiene and cosmetic products.

NeuEve uses natural food ingredients to provide alternative and complementary solutions to common women’s health problems overlooked by conventional medicine.

Because NeuEve is not a drug, it does not specify which is the active ingredient.

The ingredient list is posted on our website homepage and on each product listing page.

For your convenience, I copy it below:

The ingredients of the suppositories:

Sustainable organic palm oil, organic coconut oil, organic beeswax, organic tapioca starch, organic potato starch, organic evening primrose oil, organic sea buckthorn fruit oil, organic rose essential oil, organic orange oil, organic d-a-tocopherol (vitamin E), and a proprietary blend of nutrients.

The proprietary blend of nutrients are trace amount of vitamins, minerals, etc., essential for nourishing atrophied vaginal tissue.

The ingredients of the balm creams are the same as the suppositories except that they do not have the two starches.

NeuEve has never been tested on animals and does not contain any animal products.

To date, NeuEve has helped over 100,000 women with the most severe vaginal atrophy, dysbiosis, or bladder infection to find relief safely and for good. The most severe means that all other products or methods under the sun had failed before they found NeuEve.

Below are some articles explaining how NeuEve works:

For more information about NeuEve, click on FAQ or Blog on the banner of

May 12, 2024

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