How does NeuEve clear menopause-related recurrent UTIs and bladder prolapse without using estrogen and antibiotics?

After women reach menopause, they often develop recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

The symptoms of recurrent UTIs are the same as the first UTI, including pain with urination and needing to pee suddenly and often.

Urine testing can confirm the diagnosis. If you have another UTI within 2 weeks of the last one, it might mean that the last antibiotic didn’t work.

Antibiotics are often ineffective in clearing recurrent UTIs associated with menopause, because the hidden cause is reduced estrogen.

Some doctors prescribe both estrogen and antibiotics. This combination may work better, but repeated use of estrogen and antibiotics often cause serious side effects. These include increased risk of cancer and yeast infection.

However, many patients, like breast cancer survivors, cannot use estrogen. Their urologists would recommend them to try NeuEve to find relief.

Then, how does NeuEve clear recurrent UTIs effectively without using estrogen and antibiotics?

In a woman, the pelvic tissues that support the bladder also support the uterus, the major female reproductive organ.

When the woman becomes pregnant, the uterus enlarges and becomes heavier. Its support tissues also become stronger to hold the heavy uterus up. Thus, these support tissues, like the pelvic floor muscle (also called Kegel) and the vaginal wall respond to female reproductive hormones and are rich in estrogen receptors.

After menopause, the reproductive activity stops and the support for an enlarged uterus is no longer needed. Support tissues for the uterus and bladder, like the pelvic floor muscle and vaginal wall, become atrophied due to a lack of nutrient supply directed by estrogen.

Like uterus, the bladder is also a weight-bearing organ. When a bladder of a woman is filled with urine, it weighs about 17 ounces.

Due to weakened tissue support, the filled bladder can drop its position, laying back against the front wall of the vagina, becoming prolapsed.

As a result, a portion of the urine in the bladder is trapped. It cannot be emptied completely by urination because it falls below the opening of the urethra, causing urine retention.

Without flushing out all the urine, bacteria can grow in the bladder.

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The old urine in the bladder is frequently diluted by new urine. Antibiotics secreted into the bladder are also frequently diluted, becoming less effective in clearing bacteria. This explains why antibiotics often fail to clear recurrent UTIs associated with bladder prolapse.

NeuEve delivers nutrients to nourish atrophied soft tissues like calcium and vitamin D for bones. After receiving needed nutrients, the atrophied vaginal wall and pelvic floor muscle regain their strengths. As a result, the prolapsed bladder gradually regains support from its surrounding tissues.

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You can start with NeuEve Silk suppository and vulva balm cream. After using NeuEve for a while, often at least 2-3 months, the previously prolapsed bladder may return to its original upright position.

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Because NeuEve delivers needed nutrients directly to the atrophied pelvic tissue, it may work more effectively than estrogen. It is safer than estrogen as it is hormone free.

Bladder prolapse is an aging outcome. The treatment against aging is an uphill battle as we get older every day. Thus, healing bladder prolapse is a race against aging. The speed of healing is important.

If your recurrent UTIs have been bothering you for several years, you may have a severe case. If your recovery is slow, you can try the combination of multiple approaches to speed up the recovery. These incude using NeuEve Silk suppositories and balm cream, eating right foods and nutrients, and doing Kegel exercise.

If you are not familiar with Kegel exercise, it is critical to find a pelvic floor physical therapist to teach you. All medical insurances cover physical therapies. You may find one in your area by Googling "Pelvic floor physical therapist near me" or from our NeuEve customers' preferred providers' list.

To grow back the atrophied pelvic floor muscles will take time. There is no quick fix. Combination among using NeuEve (topical nutritional supplements), dietary supplements, Kegel exercise, and seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist can help you recover sooner.

After the prolapsed bladder returns to its original upright position, all urine in the bladder can be emptied fully every time when you pee. Bacteria are also flushed out. Thus, your bladder infection is cleared.

Bladder prolapse may also be repaired with a surgery. But such a surgery has a high rate of failure of 25-60%. A synthetic mesh can increase the success rate but the mesh can introduce more health risk to women. Thus, a non-surgical method to fix bladder prolapse is desirable.

Unlike antibiotics and estrogen, which are less effective and have significant side effects, NeuEve, along with dietary supplement and Kegel exercise, is more effective to restore a mild bladder prolapse and it is free of side effects.

In summary, to reverse a mild case of bladder prolapse, you may need the following products and exercise:

1) NeuEve suppositories, (Silver, age 45-55; Silk, 55-70; or Velvet, >70). Use two packs for the first month to jumpstart the healthing process. After the first month, one pack per month for health maintenance.
2) NeuEve Salve (>70) or Salve-Gentle (>70), using a small amount like a pea size to the vulva once daily at bedtime. One jar lasts 3-4 months.
3) Dietary supplements: a) Sea buckthorn oil ( helps relieve vaginal dryness.
b) Bone support ( helps prevent osteoporosis and relieves vaginal dryness by regulate mucus secretion.

4) Kegel exercise. To strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, exercise is important. In case you do not know how to do it, you can learn it from a physical therapist or from online sources like Youtube.

Recently, an 82‑year‑old woman used NeuEve suppositories and cream and achieved a complete recovery from her third‑degree prolapsed bladder. Her daughter, a urogynecologist at Mayo Clinic, confirmed during a recent visit that no prolapse was observed.

While this case is exceptional, it is a real example of the product's potential. Please note that it is not a quick fix—this recovery required at least three months of continuous use, as the reversal of a prolapsed organ is a long‑term process.

Because it is all natural, your recurrent UTIs and/or bladder prolapse will be healed safely.

Natural healing is the best healing.

Note: This article describes self-care methods for managing mild discomfort of chronic UTI associated with menopause. If you have acute UTI with fever and severe pain, you should seek professional care from a urologist doctor.

**Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only. It is about natural products, nutrients, and/or methods for managing menopause-related discomforts (not diseases). It is not medical advice for the treatment of any diseases.

Customer reviews on UTI relief

Fantastic results!
Sensitive Silk - Sara
Age: 61-70 Public
Menopausal Status: Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve: UTI. Every month.. dryness, itching.
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms?: 4
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms?: 2
Excellent results, ... so far no more UTI., very effective for dryness.

Weaned off of hormone cream
Age 71-80
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve slight bladder incontinence, frequent UTI, bladder prolapse, vaginal atrophy
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 3
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 2
When I started Silk sensitive I was also weaning off of hormone cream. Also using Balm and then added Sea Buckthorn oil. There have been no adverse side-effects with any NeuEve products. The balm is soothing. I have moved up to regular Silk and had no issues. It will take time and patience since I am 78, have vaginal atrophy and slight bladder prolapse. There has been much improvement with bladder issues because of Pelvic Health P.T. I especially appreciate the source of information and education that is available on the NeuEve blog, FB group and on the main site. The response of the team to all my questions is amazing. I have learned so much; thank-you!

Life changer
Age 61-70
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Painful sex, spotting, frequent UTIs
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 4
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
I was skeptical at first. So many companies claim their product will fix the problem. I read the reviews and was needing help so I gave the suppositories a try. I started with the mildest (silk) then after about 6 months moved up to silver. I experienced some burning for the first week or two and didn't like the discharge but what a difference! I couldn't be happier with the results.

Natural Vulva Balm Cream Helps
Age 61-70
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Dryness and many UTI's
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 3
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
With menopause, using this Vulva Balm Cream has helped a lot to improve the dryness of this area. I have not had as many UTI's as well by using this product.

Vulva Balm Cream
Age 61-70
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Recurring UTI’s
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
For many years of suffering from post menopause UTI’s & antibiotics no longer being effective, I needed to look elsewhere for help & did not want to use Rx estrogen due to the side effects. I came across the Balm Cream & having been using it daily for a couple of months along with D’Mannose & I have not had any signs of a uti. I am grateful for this product & hope it continues to work well for myself. Thank you NeuEve!!!

Chronic UTI’s Gone!!!!
Age 51-60
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Chronic UTI’s and painful intercourse
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
Over the past year I have suffered severely with chronic UTI’s (18 in one year) and have been on back to back antibiotics which I knew were so bad for me. I would barely finish an antibiotic and my symptoms would return with a vengeance. I knew I needed to do something and being a nurse myself, I was convinced this was hormonal because I’m on hormone blocking therapy for breast cancer and cannot use Estradiol cream. I tried NeuEve cream and suppositories and have found the cream is sufficient for me. It has absolutely transformed my life and since starting on the cream about two months ago I have not had a single UTI symptom or had to go on another antibiotic. This cream has completely transformed my life. Another benefit from it is that sexual intercourse with my husband is no longer excruciatingly painful. Thank you NeuEve for this product. I am telling everyone I know who suffers with chronic UTI’s or painful intercourse about your products.

Thank you NeuEve
Age 71-80
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve UTI and virginal dryness
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
My husband found this on the internet. I’ve had virginal dryness for years and UTI ever so often. Making love was a terrible pain and finally told my husband who found NeuEve online. He said he would pay for it if I would try it. I did and Thank you Jesus it works. Making love is painless and UTI I haven’t had since using NeuEve. I started out with silk then upgraded to 1) silk and one silver. Silk on Thursday and Silver on Sunday. That works best for me.

It works. Thank you Jesus!!!
Age 71-80
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Virginal dryness and UTI
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
The Gold was a little strong for me so I use 1 silk and the nest a silver. I use silver on Sunday and silk on Thursday. I could tell within days something was different so I ask husband I was ready to try making love. His jaw dropped. The rest is history and all symptoms gone. Thank you NeuEve.

Amazing products
Age 71-80
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Dryness, bleeding, painful UTIs
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 2
I love NeuEve. I was feeling desperate to find relief from the discomfort and dryness. I tried estriol cream . It worked somewhat but not nearly as well as Silk. It’s easy safe and very effective. I also found my way to a pelvic floor therapist and that additional support was amazing. Thank you for creating this product.

Life Saver
Age 51-60
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve UTI
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 4
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
My experience has been wonderful. I am going on my 2nd month and have already noticed Huge improvments, I always felt like I was on the verge of a UTI and never tested positive for a UTI, so therefore Antibiotics were not going to work. I also was experience occasional painful sex. This has ALL cleared up within the 1st month of using the SILK suppositories and the Vulva balm.

The products work
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 2
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
Symptoms Before NeuEve Pain and dryness
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Age 51-60
Have been using Silk and cream for about 8months now and they have been lifesavers. No more painful sex and dryness. I also suffered from frequent UTIs. I’m so glad I stumbled upon these products and tried them. I only wish they had a live person to take questions. It can be frustrating emailing and waiting for a response.

Start now you will thank me later!!
Age 41-50
Menopausal Status Postmenopause
Symptoms Before NeuEve Dryness, painful intercourse, UTIs and general discomfort.
BEFORE using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 5
AFTER using NeuEve how severe were your symptoms? 1
I had succumbed to the idea that I had to use prescription topical ointments that contained harmful ingredients to feel better. This cream is also $600 & not covered by insurance. My overall improvement from using New Eve was so extraordinary that my doctor asked me for the information so that she could pass it on to others!

Definitely Works!
I am on long term antibiotics for a chronic uti and have dealt with terrible pain and discomfort from CV ever since. Nothing worked and it was unbearable. I tried NeuEve and couldn’t believe that it actually worked to alleviate my symptoms! Dosing can be tricky so I do recommend cutting the suppository in half if it causes any irritation. This has been a saving grace for me on this journey! Thank you NeuEve for making this wonderful product for women!!

This item also helps with pelvic muscle atrophy. I can hold my urine better when I'm using this stuff. Also you should buy the recommended vaginal cream. This is also very helpful.

December 23, 2022
I had 8 UTIs in 8 months. My doctor wanted me to use estrogen cream. I did not. After researching I found NeuEve vulva balm cream which appeared to be all natural and same concept as estrogen.
I started using it. No UTIs since starting product.
I developed chronic dry, peeling skin around eyes and nothing worked. Although it isn’t an eye cream, I put this same cream around eyes and they are healed and actually appear to have reduced lines and my eyes look bright.

Camela S.
March 14, 2021
Perfect alternative
I have only been using this cream for a few months now. I cannot use hormone treatment because of breast cancer. Very happy with this product and being all-natural. It has helped with the vaginal atrophy and I have not had a urinary tract infection since I started using it. Has helped with the dryness also.

March 9, 2021
Finding relief
Over the past year I had been experiencing frequent urination and itching, as though I had an infection. I went to my gynecologist who advised me that I was experiencing severe vaginal dryness. I tried a few products that only helped for a few days before the problem returned. I searched the web for help and found NeuEve. The reviews were positive so I gave it a try. It'll take awhile as my case was severe, but I am finding relief and healing!

Sheila E
September 3, 2020
Yesterday I received my NeuEve Silk and I knew I had to try it at bedtime. I have been in menopause since I was 33 years old and I am 64 now. I had cancer and therefore was afraid to use estrogen cream vaginally which is what doctors have said for years that I need. I was afraid to use it, so I just did not listen.
Fast forward to now and I have been miserable. I have had a dull aching and it feels like when you feel like a UTI is coming on not to mention the awful dryness, so the doctor said I had no choice but to use the estrogen.
I was so miserable I started using it. Taking the instructions out and reading all the warnings freaked me out! So, I got on the internet and prayed there was something else out there to help me, there just had to be!
That is when I stumbled upon the info about NeuEve. I read everything I could find on it and felt like I had nothing to lose because the options were few and far between. I put my first suppository last night and it didn’t take long to melt, and my body absorbed it almost immediately that is just how dry I am “down there”! This is what I do not can the dull aching and the feeling of getting a UTI be gone?
One application and I feel this good? After suffering for years and sex being so painful?
I have hope now. My plans are to use all three stages of NeuEve. This is an absolute miracle and bless you Dr. Chang for creating a product like this that is going to help so many of us. Wait till I see my doctor and if things keep progressing like this, I will be stopping the estrogen cream and will stay on NeuEve for the rest of my life.

Allison Watson
August 20, 2020
I ordered these for my mother-in-law and this is what she has to say:
"My urologist told me to get these! I was having constant UTI's for the past few years, I'm 58 and after being diagnosed with breast cancer at 49 and then being told to have my ovaries removed too. I had everything taken out except my vagina. After that, it was much too painful for any of that kind of fun!
I do believe in miracles and maybe your product will make it possible again!!! Your product has made me feel so much better! I do not have the horrible feeling of getting a UTI anymore or any dryness and not one UTI since I started!!! Which is huge!!! So, thank you for caring enough for women's health to make such a wonderful product!!!
This is such a hard subject to discuss no one talks about it and not something I normally would but I think I need to tell you it is working so far! The price is high, but I will just have to save somewhere else!!!
It's been about 6 weeks since I started and I can feel the walls of my vagina are starting to soften which had hardened ( I've even had surgery to clip scar tissue that was like rings actually closing my vagina) I didn't even know if I could get one of your suppositories in!!! But had no problems!!!
I felt I needed to write this because it is the first thing that has worked!!! I'm not sure I would have tried this because of the price if my doctor hadn't told me to. I think if you were to give some samples to doctors so more women could try them. More women would be using them even if they tried them once they could see how they could change their lives too!!!
Please know you really are helping women like me and I just have to say Thank you again!!!"

June 2, 2020
I will try not to go into a lot of detail, but at 61, I was beginning to wonder whether I should once again use an estrogen-based product for vaginal atrophy.
I first tried estrogen when my GYN. recommended it after post-menopause. I used it for about a year and it did work very well, but just did not like using estrogen - I especially do not like that it comes from horse urine. That was about 6 or 7 yrs. ago.
The conversation came up again after a stubborn UTI, then an antibiotic-induced yeast infection. There seems to be some literature suggesting that atrophy and UTI's are connected. But I just do not want to use estrogen - and literature is varied on the opinions - health benefits and risks. I thought I'd give NeuEve a try as I had used another brand of vaginal suppository before - but the other brand had a medicinal smell I didn't like, and it didn't do much to change the atrophy.
This product has impressed me. I also ordered the small jar of cream to put on daily. So far, so good. I have felt much more comfortable. The product is more than I would like to pay, but I ordered my second box. I started with Silk - their recommendation but ordered Silver the second time by accident --because I think the Silk formula was doing its job. But now I will be able to compare anyway. I recommended at least trying it.

April 10, 2018
My urologist recommends these suppositories. I found them to be most effective. Still use in conjunction with estrogen cream, so cannot say how effective they would be on their own. For now, they meet my immediate needs in the manner that I am using them.

January 8, 2018
When deciding whether to purchase this product I read through almost all the reviews. Most said either the product worked or did not and no other information is given, so I want to write a review that will hopefully be helpful to others.
I was widowed at a relatively young age and had not had sex for over 12 years. I recently met someone, and we wanted to be intimate. I talked to my doctor and she gave me a prescription for hormone cream. It did not work and having sex was a disaster! It was very painful, I had spotting due to vaginal atrophy, and got a flaming UTI. I did not want to give up so I went online looking for a product that would work for me.
I found the New Eve products and saw that they were available on Amazon, so I tried them. The next time we had sex, there was NO spotting at all which I was thrilled about. The 3rd time there was no spotting, no pain, and no UTI. The product worked for me and it was worth the price. I am not going to go looking for something cheaper because there is no guarantee it will work. I have something that works and I'm happy about that.

September 17, 2016
NewEve Exceeds Expectations
It has been 4-1/2 months since I started using NewEve, following the regimen with the cream, Silk, and Silver. Lesson learned: The more advanced the atrophy, the more time and patience it takes to reverse the condition. In fact, at age 76, the results are nothing short of miraculous.
NewEve has delivered on its promises - and more. I may move on to the Gold formula at some point, but in the meantime, life is great. That said, I have a clear recall of the misery I suffered before finding the solution - and I did not even have BV or UTIs! Still, I want to shout about this from the rooftops.
Every woman out there deserves to know about NewEve so she can make her own choices. Yeah, it is pricey, but it's worlds ahead of the alternatives. Thank you, Dr. Chang.

Amazon Buyer
March 4, 2016
Helped my UTIs
I am a breast cancer survivor with chronic UTIs. I was told that they were caused by vaginal atrophy due to loss of estrogen, but I cannot use any estrogen due to the cancer diagnosis. I tried this product to see if it would help, and to my amazement, it did!
The atrophy was causing inflammation in my urinary tract, and the inflammation was attracting bacteria, generating an infection. I had one almost constantly for 3 years.
Literally the first time I used the product I could see and feel a difference. I have not had a UTI since starting this product. The rest of the benefits of no atrophy are great, but I am so grateful to have found this helpful product for my urinary tract. Hopefully, other sufferers will find the same result.

February 14, 2016
My BV causes UTI and this is the only thing that breaks the cycle for me.

July 14, 2015
I have been using the Silk formula for about five months. I had post-menopausal vaginal dryness which was contributing to repeated UTIs. The dry atmosphere promoted bacterial growth. In addition, I had extreme vulvar pain (vulvodynia) and every remedy I tried felt as though I was applying acid.
I was desperate after three rounds of antibiotics in four months and still had horrible burning pain. My doctor prescribed hormone cream but I was reluctant to use it since there is a history of breast cancer in my family.
While desperately searching online (sitting on a cold compress at the time) I came across NeuEve and ordered immediately, both the silk formula and the cream to start with. I experienced immediate relief, using the cream daily for about the first month and the suppositories twice weekly as directed. No more UTI's!
Immediate relief and freedom from the burning! I saw my GYN for the yearly checkup two weeks ago and he is very happy that the dryness has resolved. He thanked me for the information about NeuEve and said that he is pleased to have a safe alternative to the hormone cream to recommend to patients.
I am just about to try the Silver formula. I will never be without NeuEve! Dr. Chang is obviously very knowledgeable about this problem to have created such an effective treatment. I will be forever grateful that she did!

April 14, 2015
Thank you so much and I am sure you've heard it before, but this is such an answer to prayer!!!! Thank you.
I am just turning 50 this year but very healthy, young, and live very organic and holistically. I was devastated to start having painful sex issues thinking there was nothing all-natural to help.
To find your product was a little miracle for me! Also, I think it took care of the other little issue I had with small tiny but growing white bumps on the outside of the Urethra and the Urologist said it was an Estrogen problem. THANK YOU!!


Customer feedback on bladder prolapse or leaky bladder relief

Midge Wood

Two months on NeuEve Silk
I was diagnosed with a prolapse bladder! Didn’t want surgery or a pessary or anything done because I am 72 years old and had a hysterectomy at the age of 33 years old! Done with all that! So my dr recommended physical therapy! So I went and I read up on Neu Eve and asked my therapist about it! She didn’t know anything about it! So I am now 2 months in and using silk twice a week and doing my pelvic exercises!  And so far so good! I am going to switch to silver soon! Definite improvement! I can’t wait to go back to see my therapist in February!  She is very interested in this product!

Five months on NeuEve Silk
I am thrilled with this product! I have been using for 5 months now every Monday and Thursday! Silk! My prolapse has definitely improved! I had a hysterectomy at 33 and now I am 72! I highly recommend! I also do pelvic exercises! Mostly Kegels!

Michelle Exley
Excellent product! I can't say enough about this.
I was diagnosed 2.5 months ago with Bladder Prolapse. My Gynecologist recommended
Estrogen suppositories for 3 months to strengthen the area inside. He said that without that, surgery would surely fail.
Well, having had Breast Cancer 2.5 years ago, I wasn't too excited about using Estrogen.
I scouted online for a natural alternative and found NeuEve. I saw that people got quicker results doubling up on the monthly box so that's exactly what I did. 2 boxes of Silk per month + the Cream every other night.
I don't have insurance, and this was so much cheaper than Estrogen, not to mention healthier for me.
To my surprise and delight, I can honestly say that I am seeing a 50% - 60% improvement so far. I'm hoping that another 2 months on this product will cure this, and I will no longer require the surgery at all.
If you're reading this, TRY IT!!!!

Elaine Pate
NeuEve vulva balm cream
This product is unbelievable! It stopped my itching immediately and also my leaking!!

Terri Sides O'Regan
NeuEve vulva balm cream
Stopped my leaking too! Amazing!!!

Klaudya Lepp
I'm very pleased!

I am 57 years old. I am very active. I strength train/lift weights 4 to 5 days a week and ride my own motorcycle, so this "condition" caught me by surprise.
I felt my bladder dropping and this is very disconcerting. I spoke to my doctor about it and got some info about a condition called prolapsed bladder.
Hormones and surgery were my only options, really, and neither was very attractive to me. I decided to try NeuEve Silk after doing some research about this condition. The price is fairly reasonable and all natural ingredients is a major win.
I have been using the Silk suppositories, twice a week, for 6 weeks. I believe it is helping, because the day after I use it, I'm hardly aware of my bladder at all.
By the time 3 days goes by, I start to feel it drop again. I'm hoping after 3 to 4 months, it will be back in position. I will continue to use this product, consistently, for 6 months and will leave another review. So far, I am very pleased.
Commit to 2 applications a week. Consistency is absolutely necessary.

Feb 23, 2025

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