I have yeast infection. I used NeuEve Gold suppository but it did not clear my yeast. What should I do?

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns. We understand how important it is to find the right treatment for your condition.

NeuEve works by providing nutritional supplements that boost the body's immunity to fend off infections. While it is highly effective for clearing recurrent BV, treating yeast infections can be a bit more complex.

If you do not currently have a yeast infection, using NeuEve may help prevent one. However, if you are already experiencing a yeast infection, NeuEve alone may not be sufficient to clear it, as yeast infections are generally harder to treat than bacterial infections.

For an existing yeast infection, we recommend using an antifungal treatment such as Monistat-3, which is available at most local drugstores. Need to buy Monistat-3? Use this link to get a discount: https://www.iherb.com?rcode=NEUEVE Follow the instructions provided with the product to clear the infection.

Once your yeast infection has been treated, you can start using NeuEve suppositories to help boost your immunity and maintain vaginal health. Starting with the Gold phase is advisable if you are under 50, as it may be strong enough to clear mild yeast infections. For severe yeast infections, an antifungal treatment is necessary first, followed by NeuEve Gold for maintenance.

NeuEve helps create a microenvironment that supports the growth of friendly bacteria. Taking a feminine probiotic supplement can also help reseed friendly bacteria and restore a balanced microbiome. This can be beneficial in preventing future infections.

For more detailed suggestions on the use of probiotic supplements, you can refer to this article, which, although written for BV, is also applicable to yeast infections:

To clear BV, when should I take probiotics to be most beneficial?

Once you have a sufficient amount of good Lactobacillus bacteria, it will help prevent the recurrence of yeast infections.

Sep 5, 2024

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