Lube vs. NeuEve

Scientific research shows that while most men can remain sexually active well into their 80s, women face the challenge of menopause in midlife. This gender difference in sexuality and aging can create significant challenges in marriages and long-term relationships. As a result, products that help women overcome the effects of aging are crucial for maintaining intimacy and connection as they grow older.

Many lubricants and moisturizers on the market contain harsh chemicals like glycerin, propylene glycol, and polyethylene glycol (PEG)—the same ingredients used in automobile antifreeze, which is known for its toxicity. These jellies offer only short-term lubrication and do nothing to prevent vaginal atrophy due to aging. In fact, they may accelerate the aging process by dehydrating tissues. Over time, using these products can cause a woman’s vagina to shrink rapidly, leading to a loss of intimacy. Some women may even face the need for surgery to maintain their relationships, while others may feel forced to give up romantic intimacy entirely at a relatively young age.

NeuEve offers a different solution. It works by reviving the mucus glands and reversing vaginal atrophy, effectively defying the aging process. Many women who have suffered from severe vaginal atrophy have experienced significant recovery with regular use of NeuEve. When used early and consistently, NeuEve can substantially delay the onset of vaginal atrophy. Although jellies may seem like a cheaper option, their toxic ingredients accelerate aging, and their effects fade quickly, leaving the tissue to shrink, much like wrinkles form on the skin. By the time this damage is noticeable, it may be difficult or impossible to reverse. NeuEve, on the other hand, provides long-lasting benefits—each application lasts 7-8 days, helping to stop and even reverse the shrinking of vaginal tissue. This makes NeuEve a valuable investment for women who want to extend their romantic intimacy and enjoy a fulfilling marriage well into their golden years.

NeuEve is the only effective product currently available that stops and reverses vaginal atrophy without the use of estrogen. Unlike estrogen, which can increase the risks of breast cancer, stroke, and heart attack, NeuEve works safely by using topical nutritional supplements to nourish and rejuvenate the vaginal tissues. This article explains how it works: How does NeuEve relieve vaginal dryness without hormones?

While it may not deliver instant results like a lubricant, consistent use will show powerful, lasting effects. To date, over 200,000 women have used NeuEve and found relief from severe vaginal atrophy, particularly when estrogen treatments have failed. Many of these women are former jelly users and breast cancer survivors who cannot use estrogen. Even the most severe vaginal atrophy caused by pelvic radiation for cancer treatment, which has not responded to estrogen or laser treatments, has been successfully managed with NeuEve.

For more information about how NeuEve is better than Jelly, you may find these articles helpful:

Sep 22, 2024

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