How to combine estrogen cream and NeuEve?

My gynecologist also has me on Estrace cream twice a week. How many days should I space out the Silk suppositories with my prescription Estrace?

Estrace is the synthetic estrogen cream and it works fast to restore vaginal atrophy but the trade-off is that Estrace has many side effects, including:

  • light vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain
  • headache
  • vaginal itching or discharge
  • breast pain
  • swelling, bloating, weight gain

It also increased the risk of breast cancer, heart attacks, stroke, dementia, and blood clot. More details about the estrogen risk of cancer are described in this article:

How can a hormone pill, skin patch, or vaginal insert, ring, or cream raise cancer risk?

On the other hand, NeuEve is all-natural, green, and food-grade, and it has no side effects. It does not interfere with any drugs including Estrace. However, it is not necessary to use the two formulas jointly. You can achieve recovery solely by using NeuEve. However, if you want to have a rapid recovery, you may combine the use of NeuEve and Estrace to cut its cancer risks and other side effects by half.

If one application of the Estrace cream lasts for 3 days, on day 4 you can use the NeuEve Silk formula and cream. Then, after 3 days, you can switch back to Estrace for another 3 days, and so on. By using the two products alternately, your total Estrogen exposure will be cut in half and you may still get the same healing effect with 50% reduced cancer risk and other side effects of estrogen.

After you achieve a quick recovery, you may wean estrogen with NeuEve for a safer long-term maintenance.

How to wean off HRT with NeuEve?

By the way, many customers who used both estrogen and NeuEve reported that NeuEve provided more rapid and effective recovery from painful sex than estrogen. So, combining the two products may slow down the recovery speed than using NeuEve alone. The best approach may be to wean estrogen first and switch to a safer and more effective product.

If you have a personal or family history of cancer, heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism, gallbladder stone, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis, estrogen use can affect your health. You may want to switch to a safer and more effective product and wean estrogenĀ as soon as you can.

Mar 12, 2024

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