Potato starch is one of the ingredients, but isn’t that bound to cause a yeast infection?

Starch has many benefits for skin health, like relieving itching, irritation, etc. This article introduces 19 household uses of cornstarch.

The most common yeast that causes yeast infection in women is the Candida yeast. This yeast does not digest starches.

If starch is ingested orally, it may be converted to glucose due to the enzyme amylase in the saliva and in the gut tissue. This is why diabetic people need to limit the amount of starchy foods.

However, if starch is used externally on the skin or in the vagina (not by ingestion), its fate is different.

Yeast loves sugar. But starch is a large molecule of glucose polymer. It is not the same as sugar.

Wood, paper, and cotton are also large molecules of the glucose polymer called cellulose. Not all life forms can use a glucose polymer as food because they do not have the enzyme that can digest these polymers.

Can the Candida yeast digest starch and utilize it as its food?

The answer is "No." Candida does not have the ability to utilize starch.

This scientific article reported that cornstarch helps relieve yeast related itching and irritation but does not promote the growth of the Candida yeast.

We do not use cornstarch because over 80% of corns are GMO (genetically modified organism) in the US.

We choose tapioca starch and potato starch because they are not GMO and are resistant starches. They are safer alternatives to cornstarch, but have the same benefits as corn starches for skin health.

Resistant starch.jpg

Resistant starches are excellent prebiotics that promote the growth of Lactobacillus species. If you are interested in learning more about health effects of resistant starch, you may read this article.

If you are dealing with a yeast infection you may be interested in https://www.neueve.com/products/reset-and-rejoice

December 17, 2023

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