I have aerobic vaginitis (AV). Which product should I start?

A. Product selection

1) AV NIL https://www.neueve.com/products/av-nil

AV involves an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome characterized by an overgrowth of aerobic or facultative bacteria, which is often referred to as dysbiosis. These bacteria include E. coli, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, Klebsiella, Streptococcus, Ureaplasma, and Lactobacillus iners. In an early stage for a dysbiosis, it is not necessarily an infection and might not require medications. Self-care products designed to balance the microbiome may be useful in managing such imbalances. AV NIL is one such product.

Dosage Recommendations:

For mild cases, 1-2 packs may be considered.

For more pronounced cases, 3 or more packs might be necessary.

Determining the Severity of Your AV Case:

If this is your first encounter with AV and you haven't previously used antibiotics or antiseptics, your case might be considered mild, as it hasn't undergone selective pressure from such treatments.

If you've used treatments that might have eliminated many bacteria, any remaining bacteria could potentially develop resistance. The use of multiple treatments can sometimes lead to more resilient bacteria.

We consider bacteria that resist at least three different drugs as being particularly resilient or "superbugs."

Thus, if you've used fewer than three different products for your AV, it's likely still a mild case. However, if you've tried three or more different treatments without resolution, your situation might be more challenging.

Note: This classification is a general guideline; individual results can vary. Sometimes, a case initially thought to be stubborn may resolve with just one pack of AV NIL, while a seemingly mild case might require more intensive management.


If unsure, consider starting with three packs of AV NIL. If your discomfort resolves with fewer packs, the remainder can be saved for any future needs. This approach allows flexibility based on how your situation evolves.

2) Maintenance product

A suitable maintenance product must fit your age and health condition.

If you are healthy, the maintenance products are:

  • NeuEve BV Clear, age under 40
  • NeuEve Gold, age 40-50
  • NeuEve Silver, age 50-55
  • NeuEve Silk, age over 55.

If you have a health condition listed below:

  • breastfeeding
  • birth control (pills or patches)
  • hormonal IUD
  • hysterectomy
  • cancer therapy
  • lichen sclerosus
  • Sjogren's syndrome
  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • endometriosis
  • medications like antidepressants, antihypertensives, and/or antiallergics

The maintenance products are:

  • NeuEve Gold, age under 40
  • NeuEve Silver, age 40-50
  • NeuEve Silk, age over 50

B. Procedure

1) AV NIL application

For the first six days, use two packs of AV NIL, with each pack containing three suppositories. Insert one suppository daily. If you notice a reduction in symptoms before completing the treatment, typically around days three or four, continue to use the suppositories until you complete all six over the six days. Some customers have reported clearing their AV after using just one pack of AV NIL. However, to ensure your AV is fully cleared, we recommend using two packs for the treatment.

Instruction on Using AV NIL

If by day 7 your AV is cleared (approximately 90% chance), you can switch to a suitable maintenance product.

If by day 7 your AV is not cleared (approximately 10% chance), you may have a stubborn case of AV and will need to continue using AV NIL to clear it. Most stubborn cases were cleared with three packs of AV NIL, but a few required five to six packs. After your AV is finally cleared, you may switch to maintenance mode.

How do I know if my aerobic vaginitis (AV) is cleared?

2) Maintenance to stop AV from coming back

To stop AV from coming back, why do I need to do maintenance after AV-NIL?

After AV NIL treatment, you should take a break for 2 days before starting the maintenance program. This will allow the ingredients of AV NIL to be fully absorbed and avoid dosage accumulation between two products, which may cause irritation. Some customers started the maintenance too soon (without a break) reported irritation.

Choose a maintenance product that suits your age and health condition. We recommend undergoing a three-month maintenance period. If you do not observe AV returning during this time, you may remain AV-free for an extended period.

The day after your last AV NIL application, begin using a suppository. For BV Clear or Gold, apply once a week; for Silver, every five days; and for Silk, twice a week.

If your lab test shows a good number of protective Lactobacillus (>70%), you do not need to take probiotics. Otherwise, consider taking oral probiotics such as Life-Space Probiotic for Women, Fem-Dophilus pills, or vaginal inserts like V-Probiotics. These are not our products, but you can find them on Amazon. Once you receive these probiotics, store them in a refrigerator to preserve their shelf life, especially during the summer. This article provides more details on how to use probiotics effectively.

You can take oral probiotics daily. For vaginal Lactobacillus inserts, such as VagiBiom or V-Probiotics, use them between maintenance suppository applications. For example, if you apply BV Clear or Gold on Monday, you could use a VagiBiom or V-Probiotics insert on Thursday.

It is also important to reduce the bacterial load in potential reservoirs that may harbor aerobic bacteria, which can re-infect the vaginal tract after it has cleared unwanted bacteria. The four potential reservoirs include:

  • The bladder, which often harbors bacteria such as E. coli and Enterococcus.
  • The colon, which frequently hosts E. coli, Enterococcus, and Group B streptococcus.
  • The skin, typically a reservoir for Staphylococcus.
  • An intimate partner, who may carry bacteria from you before you used AV NIL.

Reducing the bacterial load in all potential reservoirs is crucial to prevent AV from returning. This article provides updated information on how to manage these reservoirs effectively.


3) How many packs of BV Clear or Gold do I need for maintenance?

If you have BV symptoms like odor, discharge, and irritation, you can use BV Clear once every 3 days to clear BV symptoms until you are symptom-free. Then, you can use BV Clear once a week for 3 months for maintenance to prevent AV/BV from recurring. You may need more than 3 packs to effectively clear the active BV.

After you finish using AV NIL and are free of BV symptoms, you can use BV Clear once a week, skipping the period week. One pack provides a month's supply, so you may need 3 packs for the maintenance phase.

If you are over 40 or you are sensitive, you may experience burning after using the first BV Clear. You can cut it into two halves and use it once every other day or into four pieces and use it once daily to reduce sensitivity. How to cut a suppository to reduce the dosage?

During the maintenance phase, we recommend starting a probiotic supplement regimen as described in this article: To clear AV, when should I take probiotics to be most beneficial?

In summary, the suggested products and application sequence are:

  1. Clearing AV with AV NIL. Use one suppository daily for 6 days or until AV is cleared.
  2. Maintenance to stop AV from coming back with a suitable product for at least 3 months.

NeuEve suppositories provide nutrients that not only nourish the atrophied tissue but also selectively feed good protective bacteria. Using NeuEve maintenance suppositories will assure that only good bacteria, not bad bacteria will grow back. When friendly lactobacillus bacteria come back to become dominant species, you will regain health and your AV will be gone without return.

**Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes only. It is about natural products, nutrients, and/or methods for managing discomforts associated with vaginal dysbiosis (not a true infection or disease). It is not medical advice for the treatment of any disease.


Product review for AV NIL

Emily, August, 2023
Worth it!
I had AV for 3.5 years. I got it after breastfeeding when my estrogen was low. It took 2 years and many doctors telling me there was “nothing wrong” to get the proper diagnosis. And even then I had to ask to be tested for it! Don’t give up! It took me 5 rounds of AV-nil success. I had a very stubborn case. And after the fifth round, I still felt “off” down there until I had used vaginal probiotics for a few nights. I know from previous testing that I had almost no protective bacteria! All that to say - if you’re on the fence - it’s worth it! The NeuEve team responds quickly if you need help or if it doesn’t work the first time for you. If you’re reading this review, you’ve been to many appointments already, and this is less than the cost you will pay there. I’m now using oral and vaginal probiotics and feel much better. And gold for maintenance. Your life can and will get better! There is hope!

Helped me clear cytolytic vaginosis (CV)
Anonymous, August, 2023

I had a bout of bacterial overgrowth and imbalance after antibiotic overgrowth. I was misdiagnosed as yeast infection repeatedly and finally when my OB GYN tested my flora to show lactobacillus overgrowth, I used this with immediate relief. This product is natural, helpful and since it’s new, not many physicians or patients know about it. Let’s get the word out!!!

Alicia, August, 2023
I did 3 boxes of AV NIL recently followed by Gold for the BV. My AV bacteria was gone at the next testing and my good bacteria was significantly higher. I did also take a oral probiotic.

After AV NIL. I continued Gold after this for another two boxes to get rid of the last bit of Gardnerella. I went from 39% good bacteria to 95%.

Sam, July 2023


This product for AV has changed my life. It’s completely worth the money.
I have tried so many other products and this was the only one that helped me.
Thank you for making this product. If you are a woman struggling with AV it’s the product for you.

Amy, June 2023
Hi! Here is my experience with AV-NIL:
I am 35 years old, pre-menopause. I have had vaginal pain and irritation since I was about 20 years old. I have gone to every kind of doctor and naturopath you can think of, tried every kind of treatment (antibiotics, antifungals, and natural remedies), tried many different diets, etc. Can’t seem to find healing.
I decided to try the Evvy membership. I have done 2 tests. Attached is my latest test.
My symptoms for AV were itching, burning, inflammation, pain with sex, dryness, and a thick white discharge.
Night 1- I had itching, a little bit of pain, and a thick white discharge. I inserted a suppository before bed and wore a thin pad. I did not feel anything from the suppository. In the morning, I felt good and used a thin pad. I only experienced a small amount of discharge from the suppository.
Night 2- still some itching and pain. I used a suppository and did not have any discomfort from it. Everything else was the same as the first night.
Night 3- I had some more irritation and some itching. Felt better after I inserted the suppository.
Night 4- I felt better but still had some itching so I continued using the suppositories.
Night 5- same as night 4.
Night 6- itchiness was gone but had a little bit of irritation.
Night 7- I didn’t use anything.
Night 8- I used 1 Gold suppository to see if that would help with the irritation. It did! I felt much better in the morning.
Night 9- I used 1 VagiBIOM suppository to introduce some good bacteria. I had no reactions to that.
It has been a week since finishing this treatment and I feel really good so far! I plan to do the Gold once per week and the VagiBIOM once per week. I did another Evvy test 48 hours after the VagiBIOM so we will see what my results are when I get that back.
I am grateful to have found these products! I have been suffering for about 15 years. It is so nice to find some relief. I have tried so many things over the years. I used to feel so confused and helpless because I didn’t understand what was going on. The Evvy test and the Neueve products and the information on their sites have been so empowering. I am happy to be a part of understanding women’s bodies and hopefully women in the future will have access to better care.

Evelyn, May 2023
AV Nil has been the only thing that I have used where I finally received a lactobacilli dominant Evvy! I started feeling better 3 days into using it. I still struggle but I can tell I am on the road to recovery. Could not have happened without it I truly believe. In almost 4 years I have not had a test like this. I did 2 boxes of AVNIL and 1 box of gold. I’m now doing gold as maintenance but will likely need more AVNIL in the future. Thank you so much for being the only product and company to finally give me hope on this long road. I finally feel like I may heal from this.

Sol, March 2023

I have Strep B. It’s Aerobic, and I started using AV NIL the first week of March. I can say my life is back. I am very thankful. Now, I will be maintaining the Gold. More blessings.

Ashley, February 2023

I started using silver after treating my AV with the AV-NIL treatment protocol. I am finally symptom-free and feel like I am beginning to truly heal. I am so thankful to have found a safe hormone-free product that truly works for me. I look forward to a better quality of life. Thank you NeuEve!

Cara, December 2022
Remission from AV!!
I developed Aerobic Vaginitis on top of vaginal atrophy after the birth of my second baby. My main pathogens were Enterococcus and E. coli. I suffered for about 20 months. It was a very dark and sad period of my life. In August I trialed a box of Av-nil and experienced improvement.
After completion of AV-NIL, I transitioned to maintenance with weekly Gold and daily application of the cream. I’ve continued this regimen along with a daily Azo probiotic, d-mannose and sea buckhorn oil.
In November, I did a repeat swab with Evvy and confirmed 100% protective bacteria with lactobacillus jensenii and crispatus!! I have NEVER had a positive lactobacillus test. I’m not sure how long to continue the gold but for now, I’ll continue because it seems to be working. Maybe in a few months, I can wean off.
Bottom line, there is hope, don’t give up ladies!

Question: Did you just use one box of AV-NIL?
Cara: Yes. Just one.
Question: Can I ask if you did antibiotics to clear the Enterococcus and E. coli through Evvy? Or did you simply do the Av-nil?
Cara: I had done several rounds of abx and it never worked. Av-nil was the only thing that cleared it.

Heather, December 2022

I was diagnosed with AV in June. I took three rounds of antibiotics with no success. Then in August, I was diagnosed with lichen planus (probably from the antibiotics). I’m not really responding to the steroids either and still have the AV.

I have finally cleared my Enterococcus faecalis after months of treatments with no results. My last PCR test confirming Enterococcus faecalis was at the end of September. At the time I had just started using the Silver. When I heard about the Av-nil trial, I decided to give it a try. I started with a half suppository each night but went down to 1/3 of the last suppository for the remaining nights due to exterior irritation. I have followed up with the gold each week after, used as a 1/2 suppository. I had my PCR test redone, and sure enough, I am all clear. No bacteria aerobic or anaerobic of any kind. Finally!

Destiny, September 2022
Finished the AV NIL and on week one of gold recommended to do at least 3 months!!! This is the first sign of relief I’ve had in 4 years my heart doesn’t know how to feel because I’m always let down but this may be the answer nothing else has worked in 4 years!!!! I’ll keep you guys posted!!! I’m so grateful to everyone at NeuEve for never giving up on us!!!

Mar 20, 2025

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